Today was Salsa by the beach !
Was looking forward to this day for quite some time, mainly intrigued by how it is going to take place. Dance on the sand? Dance in beach wear? (Meaning bikinis, bikinis, and more bikinis.... heh heh...) However, I woke up today feeling rather reprehensive abt the whole thing. Cos I skipped salsa the previous nite, plus Lewis would not be going for the beach salsa. So that would mean me being a bit out of touch with salsa as well as with the pple there. Nonetheless, I decide to go for some tanning at Sentosa earlier in the day. I went alone anyway, as Eugene decided not to come. Michi joined me for a short while late in the afternoon. I haven catch up with her for a long while too. She's doing well, with her ebay biz and Crazy Horse job. I not too for her continuing the Crazy Horse, but I think the ebay would be a good venture. I wish I have some sideline at the moment too. It'll be hard surviving on just my fixed salary. I'm not banking much on my annual increment as everyone knows my company reputation when it comes to pay increment. Network marketing's not for me, and I dunno how to gain an entryway into stocks and shares. I lack the necessary financial backgrd as well... Think it'll be pretty hard. Anyway, she came just when 2 cai, of which 1 is a tua neh bu, decide to park beside the place I was lying. Talk abt bad timing.. wahaha (Sorry, Michi =P) Had a short swim b4 she went off n I carried on my wait for the beach salsa at nite.
It turned out to be not too bad after all; the event was held at Bikini Bar. The main dancefloor was actually just the area in front of the pub, which slowly extends to in front of Sakae Sushi and the ice cream parlor. I met the grp, consisting of Jianping, Johnny, Ellen, Renee, Ai Chin and fren at the sentosa terminal and we made out way there. Pris was not with them, but my heart ligthened when I saw Ellen there actually. The main dancefloor as usual was full with the pros and experts. We mainly did rueda during our time there. I found I like rueda more as compared to salsa. Prob cos I can't do salsa as well as the other guys there. I actually tot of taking intermediate level at some other studio, just to make myself practise more. All in all, it was a sticky, sandy, tiring nite, when we did rueda on the sands, played silly games similar as to orientation group times. There was a gal from Clarence's grp that caught my eye. Christine. Short, petite gal, with a face that reminds me of someone which I just quite can't put my finger on it at this moment. Maybe I'll catch her at Union 1 of these days.
We ended up walking out of sentosa as we missed the last bus. I really enjoyed the camaderie. I haven had this kinda grp fun for a long while. Ever since JC orientation days I guess. I have nv really felt as at ease with the JC class pple most of the times we have outings. It's a diff thing after some alcohol of coz, in which case I'll just be as crazy whoever I'm with.
Pris joined us a while later, and most of the time she's not with the grp. Think she was mostly doing salsa on the main floor. She simply has too many guys wanting to dance with her, and too many guy frens basically. I'm taking it a lot better today, as compared to some times at Union. Well, I told myself that I must take it easy with her. By not treating her as someone special, I can better click with her. No hopes, no expectations => no pressure. My mind's a bit on someone else as well; Michelle. (Not to be confused with Michi) My new dear online. More abt her another time.

Group photo of our salsa gang. (Some of which have MIA by now)

Our cranky "heads-tilt-to-the-right" pose.

Our Rueda-mania started way back, where we had our Rueda crash course conducted by Zhiguang and Clarence. Here I am, rueda-ing with Ai Chin.

Here's pretty Pris, with a glistening JP in the foreground.

Here's pretty Pris again, enjoying a dance with Clarence.

And here's the little lass I got to know that nite, Christine (on the far right). We drag her in for our Rueda crash course. She was later known as Miss Tng. =P
Alrite, tonite I revealed all the names of sensitive personnel which I normally would not reveal.
That's cos I've taken my blog link off my frenster. Heh heh heh.. so only the regular followers will know what's going on in my life. Part of the reason I haven been blogging is coz much of the things to blog r names which I can't reveal. Hence might as well dun blog. Well, no more of that!
Read all you wan, know all you want for now! Hell, I shall even ans ur queries if you bother to leave a msg.
interesting,interesting. i saw the salsa poster the other day i was there for jazz by the beach. thot i might turn up to see see look look.. but heh.. i totally forgot about it.
pris huh... well.. good luck to u lor..
the salsa by the beach was totally happening! hopefully have more events like this next time. keke. well, pris no more. I'm getting myself off the hook. I simply can't bring myself to go all out for a gal anymore, without any hint or indication of her willingness to reciprocate. I dun like to get hurt.
thanks for the rcommendation. but i enrolled to another school. but thx!! and see ya ard!
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