Monday, April 24, 2006
Andy The Condemned
Today there was an KTV outing with Jianping, Johnny, Shaun and 2 other gals whom I just got to know yest nite at Union Square. Everything was nice n well, till nearing the end of the outing when I just have to screw it up. I made some dumb-ass statement to 1 of the gal which culminated in her being extremely pissed and upset. After which they left earlier as it would have gotten too awkward to stay together further. I really do not know, n do not have the intention nor bearing any ill-will in what I said. Just the usual crap that I churned out when I'm in my bosterious mood. Things that were meant to be heard and forgotten.
Who knows that would result in her being upset. At first I was feeling pretty nonchalent, as I felt it wasn't my fault. There was no way in hell I could have known abt it. Nonetheless, I sms her using JP's hp to apologise. But till I reached home, I was still feeling pretty fucked up abt the whole incident. I wanted someone to talk to, n Michelle have to fly my plane after agreeing to meet me n I have bought her tau hway. Hell...
Thursday, April 20, 2006
The Future; What Does It Holds?
Anyway, just to backtrack a little while to sth interesting that happened last week while I was with Michelle. We went out for lunch at an Indian restaurant at Upper Bt Timah called Indian Banana Leaf Restaurant. It was actually pretty good, just that it left me with a real upset tummy for the next several days. Then while we were there, she said she wanted to take me to see this fortune teller woman that she's been to. At first I refused, cos I'm really not too into all this. But she just keep asking n asking till I just decide to give in n go have a look for myself. So we made our way to Beauty World PLaza where her shop was situated.
Alright, the following is what she told me. The first part is based on my date and time of birth, cross reference with some books she has. After giving her my birth details, she started off asking if I have purchase any car, hse, etc this yr. Well, of coz no to all, till she got ntg else to ask n ask if I bought hp, which in fact I did. Then the advice was to go n buy 4D with my hp number. (Guys, dun bother to do it if u r reading this now cos that was actually 2 weeks ago already. The numbers would have struck last week shd it be true. I din check of coz. haha) The next thing she said abt my personal life really jolted me. It spooked me, pissed me, irritated me, fucked me up, whatever u wana call it. She infered that someone in my family will pass away this yr, be it myself or my parents. Either that or I'm going overseas for a long period sort of thing. That got me a bit worked up, cos if that's what u have to say then u might as well fuck off and die. Well, it's 1 thing if u predict sth bad abt myself, cos i'm not likely to be bothered by it. But it's another thing totally if u get my family involved. I wun be able to just shrug it off like if it was abt myself. Nonetheless, I kept my cool and just get on with the fortune telling. I'm not gonna let myself be fazed by this. She went on to other things:
Career. She said I'm suitable for starting my own biz as my mind is shrewd enough; that I have intention to quit my current jog but instead shd hold on n not quit within this yr; my career would be at its peak when i'm 42 yrs old, prob that is ard when I should start my own biz or earlier.
Love life. In my life, gals would be very nice to me. My future wife would be someone from overseas, and I would get married at 31. (That would simply make my chee hong-ing locally come to ntg but naught. Hell... let's not waste any more efforts then. Haha) Even if I were to get married or attached before then, it would not be meant to last.
Health. She told me not to buy car this yr, and shd preferably avoid driving even. (Shucks, what's gonna happen to my car rental!)
General. I'm someone who would look for sources of physical pleasure when I'm single. (Reads: would pay for sex) And she has to say this in front of Michelle. Damn! She went on to amend her statement, saying that I'm someone who enjoys night life a lot, always going clubs and pubs and bars and ktv, etc
Past life. I'm an Indian! A religious one at that. So this life, I have affinity with Indians, that Indians get along well with me and Indian gals would tend to like me. (!!!!)
Next she asked if I want to read my palms. (This actually cost me another 20 bucks which I did not know initially) She took a look at my left palm, and told me sth shocking; that I had intended to get married during my early 20s. I dunno what to think. It's true that I do think of marrying Min that time, but then again, which couple dun inevitably think of marriage?
Lotsa other miscellaneous stuffs that she mentioned which I din really retain in my mind. Then Michelle also wanted to have her palms read. So she told her that her prince charming is someone who's already in her life rite now. So the silly took it to meant her current bf and kept pressing her for confirmation. And what she can give r just vague answers that do not address the qn specifically. So that made my silly gal so happy. WTH?
Sometimes, pple would sub-consciously live their life the way the fortune-teller told them it would play out. Basing their decisions in life on what the fortune-teller had dictate abt their life. Just like how it works with horoscope. Pple would unknowingly start to behave in the way their horoscope says of their characteristics. That is how these kinda think affects pple. It really gets into their mind. Even for a non-believer like myself, I can't totally get rid of what she said after hearing it. But I'm not gonna succumb to that. I am a firm believer of ntg else but myself. The man of indomitable will. Period.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
There's no other way, than to say goodbye... Michelle
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Drive Cai
Ok, this is going to sound like an episode out of "Starving Emily", directed and produced by King of Cai Tao, Eugene Lee. But after the screening of my episode, I'll be in running contention with Eugene for Oscar award for Cai Tao of the year. It all started out with a simple KTV session at kbox at Lot 1. This is the 1st time I'm meeting her anyway, and she wants to go sing. Kbox on a sat nite; 1st mistake.

Michelle doing a Rainie Yang. (Note the red fingernails)
The ktv session ended pretty early, which got us thinking abt what we're gonna do next. She asked if I could take the car, which I couldn't decline. Declining would prob means cab or home. 2nd mistake. (Come to think of it, maybe cab isn't such a bad idea after all) A few options came up: catch Ice Age 2. Go Zouk. (WTF!!! I shot down this idea within 1 sec) Go enjoy some live band and a drink. (Wala Wala, Indochime Wisma, Timbre) Go for supper. (Arab street, Bt Timah) We decided to Wala Wala in the end. (seriously I wasn't in the mood to go too far) Ok, now the 1st problem arise; I wasn't sure of the route to Holland V. I could prob make my way there if given time on my own, but I did not have this luxury now. So I drove till SIM there and she had to direct me the rest of the way.
The time spent at Wala's was short. We reached and went on top for the live band, which happened to be taking a break at the moment. So we head downstairs fo a drink.

Me & Michelle at Wala's.
We headed upstairs again when we heard the live band starting. The atmosphere upstairs is very good I must say. The live band is good, and there were pple getting out of their seats and dancing to the rythm even. After only abt 15 min there, she said she wanted to leave! (Why! I love live bands!) Mainly cos we have no seats on top. Pretty crowded. =( But I'll be back at Wala's. Definitely.
Now comes more probs. We were looking for a place for supper. She said she likes Indian food, and there's a lot at Arab Street. (Fuck. Where the fuck is Arab Street???) She said she knows the way, so ok, we're on our way again. But..... we ended up lost. We turned into a desolate stretch of derelict shophouses, of which all r closed. Heck. So off we go, topo-ing rd the area trying to find somewhere recognizable to go. In the end, buay tahan already, so I just suggest we backtrack where we come from, and canstop by at Bt Timah there to have supper. But somehow someway, as we were backtracking we happened to pass by Bugis, and she was able to locate Arab Street. Well.. so there we go... Arab Street...
So what remains at Arab Street at 2am in the morning? Not many shops still open, a few Indian cafes here and there. We saw this nice Arabic Cafe still functioning, and decided to check it out. Hmm... this cafe... is really pretty unique a place. Genuine Arabic theme and style. Michelle wanted to try this big cigar smoking aka opium inhaling thingy called a Shisha that they have there. Pity I forgot to take a pic of that contraption. They have different flavors like strawberry, grape, apple, chocolate, coffee, etc. We had a cuppuccino flavor in the end. They had this huge thing like a opium pipe from the past where u have to suck on it. Take it liek a cigarette. There is actually smoke when we exhale, and then what we get is just cuppuccino flavor in your mouth after that.

Decor at the Arabic cafe. A huge golden tin pan hanging on the pillar wall, which keeps swaying in the wind. A bright lamp with unique carvings hanging at the top.

More path-finding on our way back, which she guide me till we reach Orchard and I can make my way back on my own. I took her back to Windermere and then packed the car at Yew Tee and walked home. The results tally at the end of the day: big hole in pocket. 50 pts down in pts. (She did tell me I already scored 50 pts just being able to talk well with her) So back to 0 pts now. =)
PS : There's ntg to the red fingernails part. She's not a stewardess. Just sth I put in to throw my buddy off track. Wahahaha...
Thursday, April 06, 2006
路险马行人去远 失群羊困虎相当
危滩船过风翻浪 春暮花残天降霜
交易 失败 家宅 尤疑 行人 阻 疾病 设送
婚姻 不久长 六畜 损 六甲 危险 失物 不见
求财 破失 田蚕 损 山坟 不利 移徒 莫动
自身 灾 寻人 省 讼词 亏
Looks bad rite? Lemme try to decipher what it actually means:
Literal translation:
Chin Shi Wang losing his way in times of darkness
(So I'm Chin Shi Wang eh? I will get misguided along my way and take the wrong path?)
Literal translation:
Keep the silence, be quiet, contended and free from worries. No need for greed, good things shall come naturally. Exercise caution in situations which appears stable.
路险马行人去远 失群羊困虎相当
危滩船过风翻浪 春暮花残天降霜
Literal translation: (This is the best part of the lot)
The road which the horse travelling on is dangerous, and it will take me to a faraway place. (China?)
The lost sheep is trapped in the midst of the tigers. (The China pple are going to eat me up?)
The ship is sailing through dangerous shores and gailing storm. (Wah.. got more difficult path or not...)
In the dusk of spring, the flowers wither and frost is falling. (Damn cold scene)
Come on ! My future really got that bad or not !!!
交易 失败 家宅 尤疑 行人 阻 疾病 设送
婚姻 不久长 六畜 损 六甲 危险 失物 不见
求财 破失 田蚕 损 山坟 不利 移徒 莫动
自身 灾 寻人 省 讼词 亏
Literal translation:
Trading/Biz : failure
Marriage : not lasting
Wealth : lose fortune
Self : disaster (gulp!)
Family : worries & suspicions
Livestock : suffer
Dunno what fuck is this : suffer
Looking for pple : save it
Passerbys : hinder
Dunno what the fuck is this either : dangerous
Dunno what's this (though literal translation would take it to mean 'Mountain tomb') : not good
Legal dispute : lose out
Sickness : too cheem to understand
Missing items : continue to be missing (duh)
Moving pple(???) : not to touch
Literal translation:
Lot number 66. (666? Mark of the beast?)
Literal translation:
Internet temple.
Does it get any worse than this?
I printed out the E-Lot and pin it on my office desktop. I'll look u in the face everyday and see what u can do to me. This is how much I think of u.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
WhizzCar !! Wheee.....
The car was packed on the 4th floor of the multi-storey carpark at Yew Tee. My first car happened to be a Vios. So I digilently followed what's required of me, check the extire of the car for damages, blah blah blah, b4 attempting to drive the car out. And so I tot I better go a few rds in the multi-storey carpark b4 I proceed outside. My road rust is abt to show... Heh heh...
It's a auto car, so it's supposed to move when I release my foot brake, so I was a bit puzzled when it din move. So i stepped on the gas and true enough the car started to move. But there was this horrible skreeching sound which I din know the cause. So I got the car onto the slope leading to the next level, and then it just couldn't move anymore. I applied a little more pressure on the gas but it still wouldn't go. I was afraid to depress all the way as I din wan the car to fly off the building suddenly. So there I was stuck on the slope, not able to go up, and afraid to reverse down as well. Then it struck me that I din release the fucking HANDBRAKE !!! Damn, and the car can actually still move when I step on the gas n I can get it all the way up the fucking slope as well. WTF ! The skreeching sound was actually the rear tires that wasn't rotating.
Wah.. fucking big bobo. So I quickly release the handbrake and driving resumed as normal. Tried a bit of parking at the carpark first. Nv tried parking without the fucking poles. Did quite a bad job at first, but improved to be much better when I was back to return car later. So I drove back to cck and asked Mum to be my passenger as we go cruising nearby. Drove to Grandma's place at Jurong East and then to Bt Panjang for a rd b4 I dropped Mum off at home and went back to Yew Tee to return the car. But b4 that, I took a trip to Windermere to see if I can score sth with Michelle. I parked on the slope and called her, but she was out playing badminton at the moment. Bad timing. Anyway, doubt she'll be willing to come down and meet me if I just showed up impromptu like that. We chatted a while on the phone, and then just ended abruptly when it was her time to play. So I just went back to return the car and home I go. First individual driving experience. =)
Salsa By The Beach
Today was Salsa by the beach !
Was looking forward to this day for quite some time, mainly intrigued by how it is going to take place. Dance on the sand? Dance in beach wear? (Meaning bikinis, bikinis, and more bikinis.... heh heh...) However, I woke up today feeling rather reprehensive abt the whole thing. Cos I skipped salsa the previous nite, plus Lewis would not be going for the beach salsa. So that would mean me being a bit out of touch with salsa as well as with the pple there. Nonetheless, I decide to go for some tanning at Sentosa earlier in the day. I went alone anyway, as Eugene decided not to come. Michi joined me for a short while late in the afternoon. I haven catch up with her for a long while too. She's doing well, with her ebay biz and Crazy Horse job. I not too for her continuing the Crazy Horse, but I think the ebay would be a good venture. I wish I have some sideline at the moment too. It'll be hard surviving on just my fixed salary. I'm not banking much on my annual increment as everyone knows my company reputation when it comes to pay increment. Network marketing's not for me, and I dunno how to gain an entryway into stocks and shares. I lack the necessary financial backgrd as well... Think it'll be pretty hard. Anyway, she came just when 2 cai, of which 1 is a tua neh bu, decide to park beside the place I was lying. Talk abt bad timing.. wahaha (Sorry, Michi =P) Had a short swim b4 she went off n I carried on my wait for the beach salsa at nite.
It turned out to be not too bad after all; the event was held at Bikini Bar. The main dancefloor was actually just the area in front of the pub, which slowly extends to in front of Sakae Sushi and the ice cream parlor. I met the grp, consisting of Jianping, Johnny, Ellen, Renee, Ai Chin and fren at the sentosa terminal and we made out way there. Pris was not with them, but my heart ligthened when I saw Ellen there actually. The main dancefloor as usual was full with the pros and experts. We mainly did rueda during our time there. I found I like rueda more as compared to salsa. Prob cos I can't do salsa as well as the other guys there. I actually tot of taking intermediate level at some other studio, just to make myself practise more. All in all, it was a sticky, sandy, tiring nite, when we did rueda on the sands, played silly games similar as to orientation group times. There was a gal from Clarence's grp that caught my eye. Christine. Short, petite gal, with a face that reminds me of someone which I just quite can't put my finger on it at this moment. Maybe I'll catch her at Union 1 of these days.
We ended up walking out of sentosa as we missed the last bus. I really enjoyed the camaderie. I haven had this kinda grp fun for a long while. Ever since JC orientation days I guess. I have nv really felt as at ease with the JC class pple most of the times we have outings. It's a diff thing after some alcohol of coz, in which case I'll just be as crazy whoever I'm with.
Pris joined us a while later, and most of the time she's not with the grp. Think she was mostly doing salsa on the main floor. She simply has too many guys wanting to dance with her, and too many guy frens basically. I'm taking it a lot better today, as compared to some times at Union. Well, I told myself that I must take it easy with her. By not treating her as someone special, I can better click with her. No hopes, no expectations => no pressure. My mind's a bit on someone else as well; Michelle. (Not to be confused with Michi) My new dear online. More abt her another time.

Group photo of our salsa gang. (Some of which have MIA by now)

Our cranky "heads-tilt-to-the-right" pose.

Our Rueda-mania started way back, where we had our Rueda crash course conducted by Zhiguang and Clarence. Here I am, rueda-ing with Ai Chin.

Here's pretty Pris, with a glistening JP in the foreground.

Here's pretty Pris again, enjoying a dance with Clarence.

And here's the little lass I got to know that nite, Christine (on the far right). We drag her in for our Rueda crash course. She was later known as Miss Tng. =P
Alrite, tonite I revealed all the names of sensitive personnel which I normally would not reveal.
That's cos I've taken my blog link off my frenster. Heh heh heh.. so only the regular followers will know what's going on in my life. Part of the reason I haven been blogging is coz much of the things to blog r names which I can't reveal. Hence might as well dun blog. Well, no more of that!
Read all you wan, know all you want for now! Hell, I shall even ans ur queries if you bother to leave a msg.