Monday, November 28, 2005
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Famous Quotes From BPGHS
"I just scrub it clean last week, this week it became black again" Ruili, when asked y his dick is so black.
"Country road, take me home. To the place, I beLONGGGGGG... WEST VAGIINNAA!!! Mountain mama, take me home, country road" Tingyou, during sec 3 NPCC campfire.
"My name is ... Braaaba" Braba, during sec 1 self introduction. (The class goes: Huh?? simi bra??)
"Now, we will sing the BUGIS song" Jiamei, asking the juniors to sing the Boogie song during NPCC campfire.
"Father IBRAHIM, has seven children.....~" Jiamei again, refering to Father Albraham.
"You know what sperm looks like or not?" unknown challeneged Zhongyi. "Of coz lah! Look like soya bean like that loh" Zhongyi retort. (So viscous???)
"What do you see?" Yibao, asking Nose to peek thru the curtains to look out for passerbys, while gambling in my room.
"2 pairs of socks" Nose. (........................)
"When got spot check? My hair very long" unknown
"Hair where?" Azlina.
"............." unknown.
"你觉得XX怎么样?" Zhixiang, asking Hanxi.
"Ok ah, not bad" Hanxi
"你想不想DIAO她?" Zhixiang
"...................." Hanxi
To be added on...
"Country road, take me home. To the place, I beLONGGGGGG... WEST VAGIINNAA!!! Mountain mama, take me home, country road" Tingyou, during sec 3 NPCC campfire.
"My name is ... Braaaba" Braba, during sec 1 self introduction. (The class goes: Huh?? simi bra??)
"Now, we will sing the BUGIS song" Jiamei, asking the juniors to sing the Boogie song during NPCC campfire.
"Father IBRAHIM, has seven children.....~" Jiamei again, refering to Father Albraham.
"You know what sperm looks like or not?" unknown challeneged Zhongyi. "Of coz lah! Look like soya bean like that loh" Zhongyi retort. (So viscous???)
"What do you see?" Yibao, asking Nose to peek thru the curtains to look out for passerbys, while gambling in my room.
"2 pairs of socks" Nose. (........................)
"When got spot check? My hair very long" unknown
"Hair where?" Azlina.
"............." unknown.
"你觉得XX怎么样?" Zhixiang, asking Hanxi.
"Ok ah, not bad" Hanxi
"你想不想DIAO她?" Zhixiang
"...................." Hanxi
To be added on...
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Pics From Shanghai
Finally resolved my pathetic hp cam's MMS settings. Been having trouble sending the pics I took to my email when I finally realised y. My MMS settings change to Starhub settings when I tried using my Starhub line to send MMS with that hp. So I gotta call up M1 service line to request for the M1 settings again. So now..... all the gorgeous pics I've been holding back for so long can finally be revealed ! Heh... as if a VGA hp cam can take what kinda gorgeous pics.
Let's start with my 1st China trip...

Alrite, I know you all r gonna say it's spastic to take pic of my hotel room. But come on, this being my 1st official businees trip. Kinda memorable ya? So trying to bring back bits n pieces of memories any way I can. Ok... eh.. so as any idiot can tell, this is my bed.

This is my bed again, in a slightly ruffled state. And NO, it's not cos I've had a nookie with some china chick. But in any case, notice the glass pane beside the bed?
U can actually see the silhouette of what's in the bathroom thru it. I can imagine a scene where I'm on the bed admiring the curves of whichever lady's in the shower, awaiting her to finish and then we proceed to ......... play chess and then read a magazine together.

Eh... next is my workdesk in the hotel room which I'm ashamed to say that I did not utilise at all. I haven got my lappie yet then. (Well, the lappie refused to work on my 2nd trip even though I tried to use it)

This, is the seat of sin. I would sit on this couch by the window at nite b4 turning in, smoking my china cig, having a drink of eh... pepsi (Shucks, it's in the pic. otherwise I would've said wine) and enjoying the scenery. What scenery u say? Well.. this:

Ok ok, I know this isn't exactly world class scenery (or photography for that matter), but it does offer a nice view over that part of Shanghai. (Staying on the 23rd floor helps) Anyway, I've always loved overlooking vast expanse of areas, especially city areas.

Ok, some gimmicks from Shanghai. This is their famous Zhong Hua cigs. It actually cost much much more than Malboro in Singapore. More than 2 times the price, when I saw it at the duty free zone. Another thing; they dun seem to have menthol cigs in China. Forced to smoke their lights, which was quite apalling at first until I got used to it.
Next, these seemingly innocent looking business cards actually hide some hideous secret. They are disguised as business cards for airlines, but in reality its for call gals. And how do I know that? (I din call, u idiot) My colleague who has the honour of several extended stays in Shanghai let me in on that trick. These cards are distributed by little kids on the streets. By little kids, I mean pre-pubescent teens, who will attempt by all ways and means to maneuver the cards into ur hands. I once walk thru a bunch of them, only to realise they even manage to slip them into my pants pockets and bag and everywhere.

And lastly, 2 pics I took on my 2nd trip there. Saw this little garden with a wooden water wheel and bamboo growing by the sides. Its actually at the ground floor lobby of the sleazy hotel I'm staying at, and it looked rather nice. So just tot i'll snap some pics of it.
Let's start with my 1st China trip...

Alrite, I know you all r gonna say it's spastic to take pic of my hotel room. But come on, this being my 1st official businees trip. Kinda memorable ya? So trying to bring back bits n pieces of memories any way I can. Ok... eh.. so as any idiot can tell, this is my bed.

This is my bed again, in a slightly ruffled state. And NO, it's not cos I've had a nookie with some china chick. But in any case, notice the glass pane beside the bed?
U can actually see the silhouette of what's in the bathroom thru it. I can imagine a scene where I'm on the bed admiring the curves of whichever lady's in the shower, awaiting her to finish and then we proceed to ......... play chess and then read a magazine together.

Eh... next is my workdesk in the hotel room which I'm ashamed to say that I did not utilise at all. I haven got my lappie yet then. (Well, the lappie refused to work on my 2nd trip even though I tried to use it)

This, is the seat of sin. I would sit on this couch by the window at nite b4 turning in, smoking my china cig, having a drink of eh... pepsi (Shucks, it's in the pic. otherwise I would've said wine) and enjoying the scenery. What scenery u say? Well.. this:

Ok ok, I know this isn't exactly world class scenery (or photography for that matter), but it does offer a nice view over that part of Shanghai. (Staying on the 23rd floor helps) Anyway, I've always loved overlooking vast expanse of areas, especially city areas.

Ok, some gimmicks from Shanghai. This is their famous Zhong Hua cigs. It actually cost much much more than Malboro in Singapore. More than 2 times the price, when I saw it at the duty free zone. Another thing; they dun seem to have menthol cigs in China. Forced to smoke their lights, which was quite apalling at first until I got used to it.
Next, these seemingly innocent looking business cards actually hide some hideous secret. They are disguised as business cards for airlines, but in reality its for call gals. And how do I know that? (I din call, u idiot) My colleague who has the honour of several extended stays in Shanghai let me in on that trick. These cards are distributed by little kids on the streets. By little kids, I mean pre-pubescent teens, who will attempt by all ways and means to maneuver the cards into ur hands. I once walk thru a bunch of them, only to realise they even manage to slip them into my pants pockets and bag and everywhere.

And lastly, 2 pics I took on my 2nd trip there. Saw this little garden with a wooden water wheel and bamboo growing by the sides. Its actually at the ground floor lobby of the sleazy hotel I'm staying at, and it looked rather nice. So just tot i'll snap some pics of it.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Coffee, Tea Or Ghost?
Back in my seat, fresh and wide awake after a steaming cup of mocha. Well not exactly fresh, but better than how I've been feeling all morning at least. 1 late nite with Date With Vampire 2 left me in this state, not much better off than a vampire in need of blood. Anyway, yesterday I tried something that I've nv done b4 in my 25 years of existence....
I drank coffee !!!
Of coz not the iced mochas or cappuccino or fuckuccino from Coffee Bean or Starbucks. I mean a normal hot cup of coffee. (Ok, it came out from a vending machine, but so what?) That was my 1st cup of coffee in 25 years. (Lizzy must be reaching her millionth or billionth cup by now. Major coffee freak she is) Heh... so sua ku hor? Nv drink coffee b4.
Remember when I was young, (I mean really toddler kind of young.... ok, maybe ard 5-6 yrs old) Mum used to like to drink coffee. So just for the sake of going against her and being irritating, Zai and me would pretend that coffee is the most disgusting and foul-smelling beverage in the world. (She was always chiding us for drinking coke too, ya see?) Anyway, my resentment for coffee is not without reason. The 1st time Mum asks us to have a taste, well..... it tastes bitter. The only taste that a 5-6 yr old kid likes is sweet. (Or is it just me? I know I've got a sweet tooth) So my first taste of coffee brought a grimace to my face. Next, Ronald MacDonald, Hamburglar and Birdy turned up too. Alrite, that was corny.
Anyway, just to digress a bit... speaking of Grimace... April used to say I reminded her of Grimace. (Or Winnie The Pooh on other days) And I would tell her she's Birdy and Lewis is HamBurglar then. Been some time since I saw her, just wonderning how she is doing. She somehow reminds me of a ball. Ok, this is not suppose to sound mean. She is just so... round, bubbly and bouncy. Sth like the wink in msn of the bouncing smiley face. Full of sunshine.
Ok, enough abt Grimace and bouncing balls... get on with the story.
Now.... what story? Yeah rite, The Mystery Of The Coffee Phobia. 1st Investigator - Jupiter "Andy" Jones, 2nd Investigator Pete "Lewis" Crenshaw, Records & Research - Bob "Eugene" Andrews. Heh... I'm so crappy, tot this up on the spot, but their physical description does match us quite accurately. Oh well, so after that I've repulsed coffee all my life. Until that fateful day yesterday....
Anyway, I had another cup today. I hope I dun get addicted to coffee. How uncool, man ! Hahaha... Well, the reason y I took coffee again today.... cos I'm really feeling like shit. Attempted to doze a while in front of my monitor, when it happened..... I attained nirvana and mastered the ability to achieve mental orgasms. Alrite, as most of you can probably tell by now, the previous sentence is crap again. So what really happened is that... I lapsed into sleep paralysis.
For 1st timers to this phrase, let me try to describe this sympton to the best of my ability: It is a state when you are sleeping (or rather, not sleeping but trying to) and u suddenly realised that u r not able to move, or to even open ur eyes or make noise. Basically, as the name implies - paralysis. Then there is this horrible sensation of sinking; sinking into where? God knows. Sth like sinking into limbo. If there really is limbo, I would think that is how it feels. Stuck in a dimensionless world. It would take tremendous energy (or is it will?) to make myself move an ounce and break out of it. I've been proned to these lapses for many yrs, the 1st time was when I was still in sec sch. Dun ask me what causes it, I have no clue at all, though I suspect its due to an unusually high sex drive... Nah, it usually happens when the mind is tired and the body refuse to sleep.
Anyway, my 1st encounter with it was ...... terrifying. When I finally broke out of it, the feeling of tiredness was like a wave that swept over me. Prompting me to close my eyes immediately, and drop into the abyss all over again. I gotta force myself to sit up and shake the sleep out of my head b4 carefully treading on the path of sleep again. For some time, I tot this was what they called being "pressed" by ghost, or sth supernatural. 1 time when I was suffering a lapse again, I was determined to find out who or what is causing me all this discomfort. I forced my eyelids open as wide as possibly, (those 2 seemingly thin pieces of membrane felt like it weigh a ton) n tried to catch sight of whatever ghost that might be pressing on me. It was that I tot I saw it! There was a black silhouette upon my chest, looking like a man/woman's head covered in a hood. (some jungle Ku Klax Klan shit)
Then i tot, "This is it! I'm so gonna give it to u when I break out of this. Just u wait and see!" So I did break out of it and regain control, only to discover what's on my chest was ntg but my pillow. The corner of it seemingly to look like a man's head covered under a hood. Oh well, that's spells the end of the supernatural links I had with sleep paralysis. Anyway, it was far from spooky everytime it happens. Just damn fucking irritating. Can't a man get some good sleep when he most needed it?
I drank coffee !!!
Of coz not the iced mochas or cappuccino or fuckuccino from Coffee Bean or Starbucks. I mean a normal hot cup of coffee. (Ok, it came out from a vending machine, but so what?) That was my 1st cup of coffee in 25 years. (Lizzy must be reaching her millionth or billionth cup by now. Major coffee freak she is) Heh... so sua ku hor? Nv drink coffee b4.
Remember when I was young, (I mean really toddler kind of young.... ok, maybe ard 5-6 yrs old) Mum used to like to drink coffee. So just for the sake of going against her and being irritating, Zai and me would pretend that coffee is the most disgusting and foul-smelling beverage in the world. (She was always chiding us for drinking coke too, ya see?) Anyway, my resentment for coffee is not without reason. The 1st time Mum asks us to have a taste, well..... it tastes bitter. The only taste that a 5-6 yr old kid likes is sweet. (Or is it just me? I know I've got a sweet tooth) So my first taste of coffee brought a grimace to my face. Next, Ronald MacDonald, Hamburglar and Birdy turned up too. Alrite, that was corny.
Anyway, just to digress a bit... speaking of Grimace... April used to say I reminded her of Grimace. (Or Winnie The Pooh on other days) And I would tell her she's Birdy and Lewis is HamBurglar then. Been some time since I saw her, just wonderning how she is doing. She somehow reminds me of a ball. Ok, this is not suppose to sound mean. She is just so... round, bubbly and bouncy. Sth like the wink in msn of the bouncing smiley face. Full of sunshine.
Ok, enough abt Grimace and bouncing balls... get on with the story.
Now.... what story? Yeah rite, The Mystery Of The Coffee Phobia. 1st Investigator - Jupiter "Andy" Jones, 2nd Investigator Pete "Lewis" Crenshaw, Records & Research - Bob "Eugene" Andrews. Heh... I'm so crappy, tot this up on the spot, but their physical description does match us quite accurately. Oh well, so after that I've repulsed coffee all my life. Until that fateful day yesterday....
Anyway, I had another cup today. I hope I dun get addicted to coffee. How uncool, man ! Hahaha... Well, the reason y I took coffee again today.... cos I'm really feeling like shit. Attempted to doze a while in front of my monitor, when it happened..... I attained nirvana and mastered the ability to achieve mental orgasms. Alrite, as most of you can probably tell by now, the previous sentence is crap again. So what really happened is that... I lapsed into sleep paralysis.
For 1st timers to this phrase, let me try to describe this sympton to the best of my ability: It is a state when you are sleeping (or rather, not sleeping but trying to) and u suddenly realised that u r not able to move, or to even open ur eyes or make noise. Basically, as the name implies - paralysis. Then there is this horrible sensation of sinking; sinking into where? God knows. Sth like sinking into limbo. If there really is limbo, I would think that is how it feels. Stuck in a dimensionless world. It would take tremendous energy (or is it will?) to make myself move an ounce and break out of it. I've been proned to these lapses for many yrs, the 1st time was when I was still in sec sch. Dun ask me what causes it, I have no clue at all, though I suspect its due to an unusually high sex drive... Nah, it usually happens when the mind is tired and the body refuse to sleep.
Anyway, my 1st encounter with it was ...... terrifying. When I finally broke out of it, the feeling of tiredness was like a wave that swept over me. Prompting me to close my eyes immediately, and drop into the abyss all over again. I gotta force myself to sit up and shake the sleep out of my head b4 carefully treading on the path of sleep again. For some time, I tot this was what they called being "pressed" by ghost, or sth supernatural. 1 time when I was suffering a lapse again, I was determined to find out who or what is causing me all this discomfort. I forced my eyelids open as wide as possibly, (those 2 seemingly thin pieces of membrane felt like it weigh a ton) n tried to catch sight of whatever ghost that might be pressing on me. It was that I tot I saw it! There was a black silhouette upon my chest, looking like a man/woman's head covered in a hood. (some jungle Ku Klax Klan shit)
Then i tot, "This is it! I'm so gonna give it to u when I break out of this. Just u wait and see!" So I did break out of it and regain control, only to discover what's on my chest was ntg but my pillow. The corner of it seemingly to look like a man's head covered under a hood. Oh well, that's spells the end of the supernatural links I had with sleep paralysis. Anyway, it was far from spooky everytime it happens. Just damn fucking irritating. Can't a man get some good sleep when he most needed it?
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Demise Of The Quails
Well, my surviving quail died as well. Without me ard again. This one is actually a grand old age of 5 yrs old. I guess what they say is true. When an animal loses its partner of long, it usually loses its will to carry on living as well. It started making soft squeaking sounds of late, as opposed to how it used to scream like a rooster. And finally 1 day I came home to hear from Mum that it has died. Now the spot in the kitchen looks kinda weird, without its cage which has been there for 5 yrs.
I spent this week in a zombie-like state, especially every morning on my long train rides to work. Guess its the after effects of last week, where we had a holiday every alternate day of the week. Mon, Wed and Fri nites all seemed like a good nite for clubbing. Mon was Hallowean; lotsa Hallowean parties everywhere. Then Wed was a good time to crash Mambo at Zouk. Fri is just as good as any other Fri for a nite of wild clubbing. End up only went Devil's Bar on Fri nite with Eugene and Qixiao. Lewis joined us a while later with a grp of his RV frens. Cuixia joined us even later in the nite. Somehow, seeing her always make me happy. The ever cute and cheerful little gal. She happened to know Tricia as well.
Talking abt clubbing.... We were actually refused entry at Thumper the week b4. Eugene, Kim Wen and I were in the queue when the door bitch decide to check our IC and declared us as "underaged". Wtf. 28 yr old for guys. Seriously, this is shit man. Most prob she just decide to refuse us cos we looked like we're not going to be spending a lot of money in there. When was the last time that I've been refused at a club?? Only once ever at Chinablack, when their age limit was still 22, and I'm 21 at that time. Anyway, Kim Wen said he'll set up Humper just beside Thumper. That got me thinking of our Tonite club with Eugene and Lewis. The club we said we'll set up when we're making big bucks next time. It still seem like a possible venture. I wun give up the dream. Haha.
I spent this week in a zombie-like state, especially every morning on my long train rides to work. Guess its the after effects of last week, where we had a holiday every alternate day of the week. Mon, Wed and Fri nites all seemed like a good nite for clubbing. Mon was Hallowean; lotsa Hallowean parties everywhere. Then Wed was a good time to crash Mambo at Zouk. Fri is just as good as any other Fri for a nite of wild clubbing. End up only went Devil's Bar on Fri nite with Eugene and Qixiao. Lewis joined us a while later with a grp of his RV frens. Cuixia joined us even later in the nite. Somehow, seeing her always make me happy. The ever cute and cheerful little gal. She happened to know Tricia as well.
Talking abt clubbing.... We were actually refused entry at Thumper the week b4. Eugene, Kim Wen and I were in the queue when the door bitch decide to check our IC and declared us as "underaged". Wtf. 28 yr old for guys. Seriously, this is shit man. Most prob she just decide to refuse us cos we looked like we're not going to be spending a lot of money in there. When was the last time that I've been refused at a club?? Only once ever at Chinablack, when their age limit was still 22, and I'm 21 at that time. Anyway, Kim Wen said he'll set up Humper just beside Thumper. That got me thinking of our Tonite club with Eugene and Lewis. The club we said we'll set up when we're making big bucks next time. It still seem like a possible venture. I wun give up the dream. Haha.
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